Payment of Membership for 2007

Dear IBSSA Members,

First of all I would like to wish you a prosperous, peaceful and flourishing New Year!
A Year of great achievements, success, health and happiness.

And now I wish to draw the attention of those, who haven't done it yet, that it's high time to renew the yearly membership. According to the rules of "Membership Dues and Method of Payment" everybody shall pay the Annual Dues without further notice not later than 31st of January of the annual year!

Distribution of the new ID-cards (which are valid for 2007) begins at 5th of January 2007 if payment was received by IBSSA; therefore it is highly recommended to pay the membership fee prior to that date!

Membership Dues for Corporate, Individual and Supporting members

Corporate Membership
Annual Corporate Membership Dues: 2000.- EUR / corporation / year
Individual Membership
Annual Individual Membership Dues: 200.- EUR / person / year

Supporting Corporate Membership
The annual Supporting Corporate Membership fee: 1000.- EUR / corporation / year
Supporting Individual Membership
The annual Supporting Individual Membership fee: 100.- EUR / person / year

Terms of payment

Membership fee payment concerns the calendar year.
The term of membership begins at 1st of January of annual year and terminates at next year 31st of January.


VOLKSBANK Hungary (H-1051 Budapest, Arany J. u. 25. Hungary)
Account NR: 14100471-68924948-01000005 (EUR) IBSSA
IBAN = HU44141004716892494801000005
SWIFT code: MAVO HUHB Account NR:14100471-68924949-01000004 (HUF) IBSSA
IBAN = HU18141004716892494901000004

BANK OF AMERICA - Aventura Banking Center
19645 Biscayne Boulevard Aventura, FL 33180
Business Economy Checking Account
IBSSA Inc. Account Nr.: 005501652622 (USD) IBSSA

I kindly ask you to inform the Headquarters if there are any changes in your personal data (address, phone, e-mail, etc.)

If you do not intend to remain member of IBSSA, you can let us know via the below-mentioned details:

Head of Secretariat:
Ms. Erika Macsári
Address: 1122 Budapest, Goldmark Károly u. 35.
Postal address: 1276 Budapest 22. PF. 28.
E - mail:,
Phone/Fax: +36 1 214 1206, +36 1 214 1431

Budapest, 4th January 2007

Best regards,

Prof. George Popper
President of IBSSA