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President of IBSSA visits Scotland, 7 - 11 August 2004

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Prof. George POPPER, GCKM (HUN) - President of IBSSA and Dr. Anna POPPER (HUN)- Chairman of Event Management and Protocol Department of IBSSA were invited by Mr. Ronnie WATT, 7th Dan WKC (SCO) - WKC Director of Shotokan Karate - as Honorary Guests of the yearly training camp and Dan exam of the federation in Aberdeen / Scotland. Approximately 200 participants attended the event, where Dr. Fritz WENDLAND (GER) - President of World Karate Confederation was also present.

The Honorary Guests were officially invited to the Lord Provosts Tartan Day Celebrations in the Town House by Lord Provost John REYNOLDS. During their stay in Aberdeen Prof. George POPPER, GCKM and Dr. Anna POPPER had official meetings with Lord Provost John REYNOLDS several times.

H.R.H. Prince Michael James Alexander STEWART OF ALBANY (SCO) - Honorary President of IBSSA visited the Honorary Guests and spent a whole day in Aberdeen with them. On this occasion His Royal Highness handed over the official nomination to Dr. Anna POPPER, who was appointed Ambassador of the Scottish Royal House of STEWART for the Republic of Hungary.

On the 9th August (Monday) the Honorary Guests had the opportunity to visit the Aberdeen Masonic Temple. The Provincial Grand Master Harry PETRIE showed them round the Temple at Crown Street.On Tuesday the guests went to Balmo ral Castle, a Distillery and Dinnottor Castle and they visited a small town called Stonehaven.

Prof. George POPPER, GCKM (HUN) - President of IBSSA, Dr. Anna POPPER (HUN) - Chairman of Event Management and Protocol Department of IBSSA and Dr. Fritz WENDLA ND (GER) - Honorary Founding Member of IBSSA, President of WKC were greatly impressed by all they visited during the week and their travel to Aberdeen was a very memorable one.


5th September 2004, Budapest
