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Report on the first time in Cuba

Cuba is not just an island; it is the centre of the Caribbean, an important point for a future settlement of Latin America. The political situation, after 40 years of “castrismo”, is in phase of change and with it also the necessity to arrange the next marketing structure in the western way. So the security enters with force in the future of this island. With the group "Yamabushi Dojo", headed by the lawyer Regino Jesus Mejas, the 1st Vice President of IBSSA - Dr. Giacomo Spartaco BERTOLETTI, KM assisted by sensei Veronique SANTAROSSA held the first course of Ju Jitsu (WJJKO) and signed a protocol of development that in July 2003 will be enlarged to the self-defence according to the IBSSA canons.

As a matter of fact state- and government-controlled companies already exist. They deal with transportation of valuables, covering of national importance centers (tourism and commercial) and police, so called "professional", that is already provided with military tonfa and rather rudimentary techniques of use. It's for that the IBSSA matter and the technical part of the teaching and training subject will be presented at the maximum levels.

The conferring of the IBSSA plate to Regino Jesus Mejas Saavedra for the "Yamabushi Dojo" has been the real sign of large

The presence of the biggest champion of judo (+86 Kilos), Isaac Azcuy Oliva that Cuba has never produced, whose palmars is so wide to enter in the legend, and the relations established with our Vice President GSB will complete a vital program also for the ISF (International Sport Federation).


29th November 2002, Budapest
