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Report on the Conferring Ceremony 24th May 2002, Budapest / Hungary

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As a result of the cooperation between the International Bodyguard and Security Services Association (IBSSA) and the "Pro Deo" University - seated in New York, a Doctoral Ceremony was organised on the 24th May 2002, in Budapest / Hungary.

On this particular occasion numerous high - ranking leaders of large international and national organisations were conferred Doctoral Degrees. His Beatitude Dom Lorenzo O.S.B. - the Regent of the "Federation of Autonomous Priories of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta", Patriarch and Primate Metropolitan of the American Orthodox Catholic Church, Jurisdiction of New York was invited as honorary guest of the ceremony, and Dr. Eriks GRINBERGS, K.M. (LAT) - Chairman of Legal Department of IBSSA was also attended this spectacular event.

Dr. Giuseppe MORABITO (ITA) - Representative of PRO-DEO University - was conferring the following Candidates (regarding to IBSSA membership) to Doctoral Degree

  • DR Eric R. Van de WALL (NED) Confrontation Arts - With major in Sports Medicine
  • DR Olivér L. RÓZSA (USA) Security and Protection Sciences - With major in Counter terrorism, Special Weapons and Protection
  • DR István NÉMETH (HUN) Security and Protection Sciences - Cooperation in Crime Prevention

The Candidates to Doctoral Degree arrived from the Netherlands, USA, Romania and Hungary.

We are honoured to announce, that IBSSA has started a mutual and fruitful cooperation with the Hungarian Fire Department. Dr. Péter BENDE - Brigadier of the Fire Department was also conferred Doctoral degree on the 24th May 2002 and after the Conferring Ceremony the National Fire Department had a spectacular and professional demonstration at its Headquarters in Budapest.

As a result of the cooperation Hungarian Fire Department gained the Associated Organization status from IBSSA and Dr. Péter BENDE - Brigadier of the Fire Department and Dr. h.c. Béla DANIELISZ - President of the General Assembly of Budapest were elected as Honorary Members of IBSSA.

10th June 2002
