41st Annual International Drug Conference
held in Mesa / Phoenix / Arizona - USA between 28 Oct. - 03. Nov. 2000
IBSSA was represented by
Official delegates
- Mr. George POPPER Executive President of IBSSA
- Dr. Marko NICOVIC Vice President of IBSSA and INEOA
Other delegates
- Mr. J. L. MACZKO Chairman of Narcotics Policy Department
- Mr. Miki VARGA Member of Education and Qualification Department
- Mr. Alexander HEVESI International Coordinator
(Those IBSSA members are also full members of INEOA)
Mr. George POPPER Executive President of IBSSA and Dr. Marko NICOVIC
Vice President of IBSSA and INEOA participated on the Meeting of the Board
of Directors of INEOA, where Mr. POPPER - on behalf of IBSSA Hungarian
Section - offered to organize and host the 42nd Annual International Drug
Conference, first time in Europe and Hungary. The Executive President
also participated on the awards ceremony, where he met Mr. Donnie Marshall
the Administrator of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Mr. MACZKO, Mr. HEVESI, Mr. VARGA participated at the Congress and the
follow up training program of the US Department of Justice Drug Enforcement
Administration. An official DEA Certificate of Training has been issued
to all participants. |