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Council of Europe Meeting on "cohesion sociale" 22nd November 2005 Paris/France - Council of Europe building

Sir George POPPER – President of IBSSA, in his other function as president of the General Council of the "International Federation of Family Organisations and International Project Center" – participated at the event.

Sir George was delegated to this meeting by the "Mission Europe" which organisation elected him as board member, responsible for Central Europe.

The IBSSA president had good opportunity to introduce IBSSA to the present high officers and leaders of other organisations, as a result of those meetings some new cooperation will start soon.

The president offered IBSSA partnership for "Mission Europe" which was accepted in form of full associated membership.

Other members / partners of "Mission Europe" are:

  • Comité International Olympique
  • Fondation Braillard - Genève
  • Observatoire de la Sécurité (Lausanne)
  • Observatoire Mondial de la vie Associative
  • Ecole de Sciences Criminelles (Lausanne)
  • Conseil des Associations d'Europe
  • Conseil Européen des Syndicats de Police
  • Confédération Internationale des Travailleurs Intellectuels
  • Centre International de Projets - Actions Partenariales
  • Confédération des Femmes de la Méditerranée
  • Femmes Chefs d'Entreprise
  • Osez Créée, Osez Créer Au Féminin
  • Agence F.J. Marketing et création d'entreprises
  • M.S.C. et Associés
  • Club VRAI
  • Conseil des Associations familiales - Lisbonne
  • Centre européen de la Culture
  • Académie internationale de Médecine - Lisbonne
  • Pro-Familia
  • Veolia Environnement
  • Jat-Business Solutions
  • Rotary International
  • Initiatives pour la Formation européenne et les Relations avec les PECO- Luxembourg
  • B.P.W - Lausanne
  • Comité de la Colonie Française- Vaud - Valais
  • Union Suisse-Liban

Mission Europe on the Internet: missioneuropa.free.fr

Lady Anna popper accompanied Sir George to the Paris meeting and was appointed as liaison officer between IBSSA and "Mission Europe".

It was announced by the leadership of "Mission Europe" that in the future IBSSA president Sir George POPPER will be a full member of the "Mission Europe" delegation at meetings and conferences of the "Council of Europe"

"Mission Europe" is the sole organisation, which has "participating" rights at the Council of Europe, while several hundreds of NGO-s are having the consultative status.

IBSSA president offered that IBSSA is ready to host a special conference on security for Mission Europe.

Proposed place: Hungary (Budapest)

Date: 3rd weekend of September 2006


