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Report on the OPEN Board of Directors Meeting 18th February – 4th March 2005, Budapest / Hungary

During the above-mentioned period numerous important events were organised in Hungary, many IBSSA leaders, VIPs and members of the association visited the Headquarters.

These meetings and events offered a good occasion to discuss and agree all open questions before the 10th Congress of IBSSA. Present at the meetings (held in several parts):

  1. Prof. George POPPER (HUN) – President of IBSSA
  2. Dr. Rony KLUGER (ISR) – General Secretary of IBSSA
  3. Rev. Philip CASCIA (USA) – Honorary Vice President of IBSSA for the American Continent
  4. Dr. Constantin BUZATU (ROM) – next Chairman or the Executive Committee
  5. Dr. Levente GYENES (HUN) – Chairman of the Executive Committee
  6. Prof. Giacomo Spartaco BERTOLETTI (ITA) – Honorary Member, Country Representative of IBSSA for ItalyMembers from:




To reach the necessary quorum, other Board members Dr. Eric van de WALL (NED) – Chairman of the Board, Dr. Marko NICOVIC (YUG) and Mr. Stephen CHEE (SIN) – Vice Presidents were contacted by phone and e-mail.

The following decisions were taken:

  1. Final congress agenda was agreed.
  2. Final congress program was agreed.
  3. Financial documents and audit report was received and proposed for congress to adoption.
  4. 10 years IBSSA special publication was agreed.
  5. Report on international bodyguard trainings (SEC-tember) was adopted and information about the forthcoming “SEC-tember” in 2005 was agreed.

    It was agreed that in the future Instructor qualification would be done twice a year: during the congress and during the special international training course (SEC-tember).

  6. Report on the Bodyguard Ball was received and it was agreed that in the future the international bodyguard ball would be organised at 31st December every year. The next one: 31st December 2005 in Marriott Hotel in Budapest.
  7. Rev. Philip Cascia proposed for the year 2006 to hold the 11th Congress of IBSSA together with IBSSA ISF event and championships in the USA. Location will be: Las Vegas, New York or Florida. Rev. Cascia also proposed a new honorary member: Dr. Nicholas PERRICONE (USA) and John T. SWEENEY a famous martial arts instructor for master teacher. He informed that Dr. Perricone offered to support the future event in the USA. The proposals were agreed and warmly welcomed by the Board.
  8. The General Secretary gave a report about his activities and trips to the Netherlands, Australia and other countries. He also reported about the very successful IBA Ceremonies (Netherlands and Hungary). IBA is the official educational institute of IBSSA.
  9. It was agreed that after the 10th Congress the Internet activities must be improved and a second special magazine should be published.
  10. Based on former proposals the "HALL OF FAME of Security" and "HALL OF FAME of IBSSA ISF" will be introduced, the first awards will be given during the 10th Congress. Concrete proposals were discussed but they are confidential till the IBSSA congress.
  11. Concerning the future congresses it was agreed that IBSSA flag and national flag of the host country should be brought in at the opening ceremony.
  12. Future events and plans were discussed and will be proposed to the congress participants.
  13. Concerning financial matters, the year 2003 was nearly in balance, but still a problem the non or late payment of the fees. There is still big fluctuation in membership, but there are more and more serious stabile and active members. It was agreed, that the surplus of 2003 must be paid to cover former years deficit.
  14. Adam POPPER – Chairman of the Central Administration informed that IBSSA opened an USD Account in Bank of America in the USA, this account will support the soon introduced credit card payment possibility on the net. It means that membership fees, other fees or price of videocassettes, shirts, etc. can be paid this way.
  15. He also informed that all active members would receive an IBSSA e-mail address. IBSSA members must contact him to agree on that one by one.
  16. It was agreed that on the Internet there will be a possibility soon to support IBSSA activities, mainly the fight against drugs, but also education, humanitarian activities, rescue work, etc. by credit card payment. Rules will be elaborated. Different level of support will be honoured by IBSSA diploma, pin, sticker, passport and plastic supporter ID-card! The minimum donation will be 100.- EUR.


4th March 2005, Budapest
