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Rules of organizing IBSSA Events, Congress, Championship, Conference, etc.

General Dispositions

  1. The organizer of the event is always the IBSSA member company or national/regional organization of IBSSA, who received the rights to organize. It means, that IBSSA will not order hotel or other services directly. IBSSA will be in charge of supervising the organization and will control the conditions.
  2. The host countries have to stick to the enclosed rules. Any deviation from these rules will have to be reported on time from the host organizers to IBSSA Board of Directors, who will take the final decisions.
  3. When applying to host an official IBSSA event
    1. IBSSA Congress
    2. IBSSA World Martial Arts Championships and Festival
    3. IBSSA Bodyguard World Championships
    4. Training courses
    5. Training camps
    6. Competitions
    7. Conferences Exhibitions
  4. in every case a registration fee is due. The IBSSA HQ or General Secretariat will issue an official statement and diploma – stating that the event is an officially recognized IBSSA event.

  5. The host organization is responsible for
    1. Preliminary information
    2. To guarantee that participants will get visa to the country
    3. Hotel reservation
    4. Local transportation
    5. Congress facilities (Conference rooms – min. 120 places and Presidium for 10 people, technical equipment, etc)
    6. Decorations of the HQ Hotel
    7. Other programs
    8. Press conference
    9. Receptions


  1. The site for any IBSSA events will be confirmed by a preceding Congress.
    The host country must notify the General Secretary of IBSSA at least 1 year in advance of the precise date and venue of the event. Failure to do so can result in the Board taking the organization away from the designated country.
  2. The site of a the IBSSA event shall be located no more than 60 kilometers from an International airport which receives regular direct flights from other countries. Any exception to this will have to be expressly authorized by the Board of Directors of IBSSA.
  3. The country selected by IBSSA, must be able to guarantee access to the whole of the IBSSA membership.
    No later than eight (8) months before the date of the scheduled IBSSA event, the host country must send out the first information Bulletin to all IBSSA member countries. THE DRAFT OF THIS BULLETIN, PRIOR TO BEING SENT OUT, MUST BE COMMUNICATED TO IBSSA BOARD FOR AGREEMENT.
    This bulletin must contain at least the followings
    1. The date and venue for the event. (Already communicated with 1 year advance)
    2. Preliminary programme of activities
    3. Hotels details, prices and airlines information
    4. Name, address, telephone and fax numbers of the host country Organizing Committee
  4. Not later than three (3) months prior to the event, another bulletin must be circulated with the following information: THE DRAFT OF THIS BULLETIN, PRIOR TO BEING SENT OUT, MUST BE COMMUNICATED TO IBSSA BOARD FOR AGREEMENT.
    1. Final confirmation of the contents of the first bulletin
    2. Final program for the organized event and all related events  (Congress, Committees Meetings, etc.), agreed with IBSSA Board of Directors
    3. Place and time of Registration
    4. Requirements for Registration, address for Entry Cards and deadline for entries
    5. Other General Information (e.g. visa requirements, etc)
    6. Customs and currency regulations
    7. Health and vaccination regulations
    8. Local weather / climate
    9. Other relevant information
  5. The host country must hand over the Scenario of the whole event – with names of the host organizers, their phone numbers, etc. – to the Board of IBSSA not later than 10 days prior to the official IBSSA event.
  6. IBSSA events (Congress, Championships, Conferences, etc.) will be under the overall control of the Board of IBSSA. The host Country (Organizing Committee) is responsible for the in-country organization of the event and the running of the IBSSA event itself. The host country will select if possible a maximum of 5 hotels for all members of the participating countries, of which one of them will be the Headquarters Hotel. The names of the selected hotels must be passed on to the Board of IBSSA for ratification, and once ratified will be the Official Hotels for the event.

Headquarters Hotel and Official Hotel

  1. The designated hotels must be approved by the Board of Directors of IBSSA. The hotels shall be of reasonable quality. The hotel chosen as Headquarter, if possible has available a minimum of 150 rooms for the duration of the event.
  2. The hotels shall be of a good standard and price in realistic context with National rates. On the contrary, efforts must be made by the host country to obtain a reduced price. The hotel rates must be given, at least, in a Bed & Breakfast basis, individual and double occupation, and per night, without including any other concept  (transport, hostesses, translations, etc.). Also the prices must be given in the local currency, stating the exchange rate between the local currency and Euro (EUR) at the time of the quotation. The Headquarters Hotel is for the accommodation of the following
    1. Honorary President of IBSSA
    2. Board of Directors
    3. Honorary Founding Members and Honorary Members
    4. Organizing Committee (Staff of IBSSA)
    5. Executive Committee
    6. Referee Committee
    7. Medical Committee
    8. Registration
    9. Congress

Organising Committee

  1. The host country will do their best to arrange, upon demand, the transportation of the delegations from the airport to the hotel. This service will be quoted and accordingly charged. The host country must also provide separate courtesy transport for all Committee members from the airport to the hotel and return and for their official duties during the IBSSA event. The schedules will be coordinated by the Board of Directors of IBSSA with the host country.
  2. At registration, identification cards will be issued, together with the final schedule and promotional material. The cards will attach a photograph of the holder.
  3. For details of registration requirements, see Appendix 1.
  4. No entry should be registered by the OC unless first cleared by the IBSSA Treasury and provided to the OC with evidence that IBSSA membership fee and event registration are fully paid.
  5. Approved initial entry forms for the IBSSA event (Congress, Championships, etc.) must be sent to the OC preliminary three (3) months before the scheduled date of the event.
  6. Throughout the IBSSA event, the host country must provide an inquiry desk (in the Headquarters Hotel before the start of the programs and also during the days) to deal with problems faced by participating countries. This shall be a non-stop operation from 8.00 am until 22.00 pm.


  1. The operation of the official event is the responsibility of the Board of IBSSA, who can take any necessary action. 6 months before the event, that is, between the communication of date and venue and the issue of the First Information Bulletin, a visit of three persons designated by IBSSA will be made on the site of the organized event. An official report from this visit will be issued by the IBSSA HQ. This report will at least contain the control of all those points, article by article, that are included in these rules and affect the requirements of the event. For this meeting, the host country will be responsible for travel, accommodations, food and other local expenses. During his visit to the host country the OC member must satisfy himself that all arrangements are properly made for the smooth running of the event.
  2. If the host country fails to meet the regulations, a new visit will be prepared for no later than 4 months before the event. The host country will be as well responsible for the expenses of this second visit. It is IBSSA Board’s role to check all details relating to the entire event. In accepting the mandate to host an IBSSA event, the host country accepts the authority of the Board in all matters pertaining to the running of the event.


  1. The Board of Directors of IBSSA will submit, one (1) month prior to the event, the number of rooms and space need in the Headquarters Hotel, if necessary to modify the following parameters
    1. Board of Directors Meeting, 5 people
    2. Executive Committee, 30 people
    3. Registration, 10 sq. meters minimum
  2. A meeting room should be kept available throughout the event at the Headquarters Hotel, for a capacity of 20 people. The host country must provide translators in the required language for EC meetings and Congress.


  1. These are to be provided by the host country
    1. In individual events the first prize will be a gold medal, the second prize a silver medal, and the third prizes bronze medals. All winners in each category of the Championships should receive a medal plus one trophy per team.

Food Requirements

  1. The host country is required to provide the Staff of IBSSA (working officials) with a continuous supply of hot and cold drinks and snacks during the days of the event.

Financial Obligations

  1. The event must have an independent budget, which is the total competence of the host organization. They can have incomes or support from:
    1. The government
    2. The municipality
    3. Sponsorships
    4. Advertisements
    5. Contribution of members
    6. Profit of exhibition or other side – events
    7. Hotel price difference*
    8. TV and Video rights – incomes – every event a special agreement must be signed between IBSSA and the host.
    9. Other incomes
  2. *Hotel prices must be lower for the participants than the full price, but it’s possible, that the organizer will keep a part of the reduction for other expenses.

  3. From the registration fee (100 - EUR€ / person), the 75% is the property of IBSSA,  it is to cover the travel of the Board and Honorary members and other Congress related expenses, and the host can get the 25% of it. However there must be a close cooperation between IBSSA and the Host and those expenses could be shared.
  4. It is a guideline, that during the event and the preparatory trips – the travel will be covered by IBSSA and the host will cover all local expenses. During the Congress of IBSSA it means 8 – 10 persons for a 3 – 4 day period.
  5. The TV rights of the IBSSA events are the exclusive property of IBSSA, to deal with it at its sole discretion.
    The Board of IBSSA may permit the host country to videotape the events and shall make such terms as at decides at its discretion, relating to this permission.
  6. If a company is patronising the event, the organizer has full right to distribute their prospects, materials for the participants.
  7. If the host has any problem or question about this subject, please do not hesitate to contact the HQ!

Appendix 1, Registration

    Adequate tables and seating for 4 people in a quiet location of the hotel. The room needs to be reserved all day long and 4 days before the start of the IBSSA event. A minimum of 10 sq meters is necessary, together with separate entrance and exit, available according to the official program. The equipment required is as following

    1. A number of tables must be provided
    2. A minimum of eight power outlets
    3. A printer with the following specifications PRINTER (A4 +)
    4. Telephone
    5. A4 Photocopy machine(with reduction facility)
    6. Selection of pens and pencils
    7. Three heavy-duty staple guns with adequate staples
    8. Three pairs of large, sharp scissors
    9. Three black pads and glue (temporary and permanent)
    10. A4 paper and A4 folders