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H.R.H. Prince Michael James Alexander STEWART of ALBANY, Honorary President of IBSSA


Date of birth

  • Born in Brussels, Kingdom of the Belgians, on April 21st, 1958.


  • Belgian by birth, British Citizen by naturalisation (February 14th, 2001).


  • Privately at the family home of the Chateau du Moulin, Ruy, Ardenne, Belgium, from September 1963 to December 1968.
  • Ecole Primaire et Secondaire du Christ Roy, Laeken, Brussels, Belgium, from December 1968 to June 1969. This was my last year of Primary school.
  • Jesuit Boarding School of St Vincent College, Soignies, Belgium, from September 1969 to June 1975 studying Economics (6 years of 'Annees Humanitaires).

Personal History

  • Elected President of the European Council of Princes in May 1991.
  • Mentioned in the Larousse dictionary of Kings and Queens of Britain and Europe (ISBN 0-7523-0032-6), published in 1995 and 1997.
  • Published first book 'The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland' (The True Story of the Royal House of Stewart and the Hidden Lineage of the Kings and Queens of Scots) in May 1998. Within two weeks of publication, the book reached number two best-seller in Scotland. A week later, it became the seventh best-seller for the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
  • The past three years have been spent researching in depth the Order of the Knights Templars and Ancient Scottish freemasonry for a second book. Presently, full time writer.
  • Thirteenth hereditary Grand Master to the Order of the Knights Templar of Saint Anthony, founded by King James VI of the Scots, later I of England, by Royal Charter in 1596 in Edinburgh.
  • Tenth hereditary Sovereign Grand Master to the Noble Order of the Guard of Saint Germain (founded in 1692 in the Chateau de Saint Germain-en-Laye by King James VII of the Scots, II of England, when in exile in Paris, France).
  • First Grand Master (year 2000) of the re-constituted Order of the Dragon (Sárkány Rend) in Hungary. This Order is recognised by the Hungarian Government.
  • First Grand Master (year 2001) of the Order of the Moravian Knights of Saint Rastislav. This Order is recognised by the National Congress of Moravia, a devolved assembly in the Czech Republic.

Employment History

  • Thilly & Ritwegger Insurance & Broker Company, Brussels, Belgium, from July 1975 to July 1976.
  • The Carlton Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland, from September 1976 to January 1977.
  • Mayfield House, Gullane, East Lothian, Scotland, from March 1977 to December 1977.
  • National Service, Belgian Army (Infantry) based in Duren, Germany, from January 1978 to August 1978.
  • Mayfield House, Gullane, East Lothian, Scotland, from September 1978 to March 1979.
  • William Shiel and Company Ltd, Edinburgh, Scotland, from April 1979 to December 1989.
  • Hector Russell Company Ltd, Edinburgh, Scotland, from February 1990 to January 1991.
  • Leukaemia and Cancer Children Fund (Scotland), Edinburgh, Scotland, from January 1991 to May 1993.
  • St Stephen Community Centre (Public Relations Officer), Edinburgh, Scotland, from June 1993 to May 1998.


