HQ News (2003 February 24 - Hungarian National Guard)


On the occasion of the 155th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution in 1848 an official promotion and nomination ceremony took place on the 15th March 2003. General András DOHÁNY - Commander of the Hungarian Civil Guard, according to the mutual cooperation between the Hungarian Section of IBSSA and the Hungarian Civil Guard, promoted the following Hungarian members of IBSSA

  1. Prof. George POPPER, G.C.K.M. - Executive President of IBSSA was nominated to Brigadier general of the Hungarian Civil Guard in the name of the Chief Commander of the historical National Guard.
  2. Dr. Levente GYENES - Country Representative of IBSSA for Hungary, International Coordinator of IBSSA for Europe, Chief of the International Rescue Team of the Federation of Autonomous Priories of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, was promoted to civil guard colonel.
  3. Dr. Gábor JUHÁSZ - member of IBSSA got promotion to civil guard colonel.
  4. Mr. István LÁSZLÓ - member of IBSSA, ret. Lieutenant colonel was promoted to civil guard colonel.

General Dr. László CSEREKLEI, deputy commander of the Hungarian Civil Guard, Vice President of the Hungarian Fireguard Association and Honorary Member of IBSSA and Dr. István NÉMETH civil guard colonel, active member of IBSSA were present at the solemn ceremony and thereafter on the official reception. In the spring of 2002 a mutual cooperation agreement was executed between the Hungarian Section of IBSSA and the Hungarian Civil Guard. In course of this agreement the two parties collaborate in the following fields

  • Education, training
  • Rescue operation
  • Building international relations
  • Improving the image of IBSSA and the Hungarian Civil Guard (PR and media)


Budapest, 24th February 2003