Report on the Conferring Ceremony 9th August 2003, Budapest / HUNGARY

"Pro Deo" University - seated
in New York - organised a Doctoral Ceremony on the 9th August 2003, in
Budapest / HUNGARY. On this particular occasion numerous high-ranking
leaders of large international and national organisations and also some
IBSSA members were conferred Doctoral Degrees.

The Ceremony took place at the Ministry of Defence Officers Club - Queen
Elisabeth Restaurant and started at 11.00 AM with the presence of the
following officials

  • Dr. Giuseppe MORABITO (ITA) - Minister of the Federation of Autonomous
    Priories of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights
    of Malta
  • Prof. George POPPER, GCKM (HUN) - Representative of the Knight Order
    and Executive President of IBSSA
  • Dr. Ferenc TÓTH (HUN) - Representative of Pro Deo University
    in Hungary

Dr. Giuseppe MORABITO (ITA) - Representative of PRO-DEO University -
following his brief speech he was handing over the Diplomas and was conferring
the following Candidates to Doctoral Degree

  • Dr. Ferenc VALU (HUN) Security and Protection Role of Civil Guard
    at Rescue work at natural catastrophes
  • Dr. Sándor CSÖTÖNYI (HUN) Security and Protection
    Criminological status of gaming-rooms and casinos in the EU
  • Dr. Yean FEIN (ISR) Security and Protection With major in security
    management and VIP protection
  • Dr. Gábor KEREKES (ROM) Security and Protection
  • Dr. Ágnes NÁDAS S. (HUN) Protocol and Event Organising

The Candidates to Doctoral Degree arrived from Israel, Romania and Hungary.

The Board of Admissions of the Federation of Autonomous Priories of
the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, after
examining the Completed Admissions Dossiers, and upon motion of the Secretary
of the Board, has Accepted the Candidacy for Knighthood in favour of
Mrs. Marina KLÉZL (HUN), Dr. György KISS (HUN), Dr. László KOVÁCS
(HUN), Dr. Péter SULÁNYI (HUN) and Mr. John DORA (GBR).
The candidates registered as members of the Order.

Dr. György KISS (HUN), Dr. László KOVÁCS (HUN)
and Dr. Péter SULÁNYI (HUN), who were present at the Doctoral
Ceremony, were handed over the Postulant Diploma issued by the Central
Office of Admissions of the Federation of Autonomous Priories of the
Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta.


15th August 2003