President of IBSSA visits Arad / ROMANIA between 13 - 15 March 2006

Prof. George POPPER, KGC - President of the IBSSA visited the Romanian Section of the Association in order to discuss all future activities and forthcoming events of IBSSA with Dr. Constantin BUZATU - Chairman of the IBSSA Executive Committee and Country Representative for Romania.

This meeting was also a good occasion to introduce the present leader of the IBSSA Hungarian Section - Mr. Csaba KERTÉSZ, who is the owner of POWER SHILED Security Ltd.

The Hungarian and Romanian leaders of IBSSA together with the President were talking about the situation when Romania joins the EU, that after the joining the Transylvanian-Romanian and Southern-Hungarian lands could form one region and the Szeged - Szekszárd - Pécs - Gyula - Oradea - Arad - Déva - Timisoara area will represent appr. 2 million people, so thus new fields of cooperation will be opened and good opportunities will be presented.

During the official visit Prof. George POPPER and Mr. Csaba KERTÉSZ had the possibility to meet numerous members of the IBSSA, and they also met the leaders of the Gendarmerie and the Police. The delegation was invited to the City Hall, where Mr. Tiberiu DEKANY, vice-mayor of the City Arad greeted the IBSSA leaders. The national TV station in Timisoara made an interview with the President of IBSSA in their popular programme: "Man of the Day".

There was a Press Conference in Arad on Wednesday at 11 AM about the role, function and situation of IBSSA in Romania and throughout the world.