00298 - Ceremony of the Hungarian National Guard 14th March 2005, Budapest


On the occasion of the 157th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution
in 1848 an official commission and advancement ceremony of the Hungarian
National Guard took place on the 14th March 2005 in Budapest. During
this event IBSSA was represented by Prof. George POPPER, GCKM – President.

It is very important and significant to mention, that several IBSSA
members hold high positions in the Hungarian National Guard. The mutual
cooperation between the Hungarian Section of IBSSA and the Hungarian
National Guard is very successful in numerous fields, especially regarding
the Shooting Championships.

General András DOH�NY – Commander of the Hungarian National Guard promoted
the following IBSSA officials:

Promotions to National Guard brigadier-general

  1. Dr. István ELEK – Honorary Member of IBSSA
  2. Dr. István FODROS – Honorary Member of IBSSA
  3. Dr. Róbert HORV�TH – Full member of IBSSA
  4. Mr. József KOV�CS – Full member of IBSSA
  5. Mr. István L�SZLÓ – Full member of IBSSA

Promotions to National Guard colonel

  1. Dr. András CZAP�RY-MARTINCSEVICS – Chairman of Technical Department
  2. Lady Chiara ELEK RIVETTI
  3. Dr. András MELLES – Full member of IBSSA
  4. Dr. László REINDL – Secretary of Cultural Department

Certificate of Merit

  • Dr. Ede HORVÃ�TH – Associated Organisation Member of IBSSA, Vice Commander
    of the Hungarian National Guard
  • Dr. György OROSZI MARTON – Patronising Member of IBSSA
  • Dr. István NÉMETH – Chairman of Business Security Department of IBSSA

received this commendatory document for their continuous support and

Budapest, 15th April 2005