00315 - Report on the 5th WKC Championships

The 5th Karate World Championships was held between 6 - 9 October 2005 in Novi Sad / Serbia. The event turned out as a great international success of WKC (World Karate Confederation). Over 500 participants represented 35 organisations from 26 countries.

IBSSA president Prof. George POPPER, who was invited as honorary guest by Dr. Marko NICOVIC WKC President and by Dr. Fritz WENDLAND WKC Founding President, during the WKC official conference forwarded the greetings and congratulations of IBSSA Honorary President HRH Prince Michael Stewart of Albany and His Beatitude Dom Lorenzo Regent of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, F.A.P.

The IBSSA president declared the wish forfurther close cooperation between IBSSA ISF (International Sport Federation) and WKC also in the future and announced that with IBSSA ISF support they are ready to host a big WKC karate event in Budapest / Hungary.

IBSSA ISF president, Dr. Rony KLUGER, participated at the championships and together with IBSSA president Prof. Popper they lead a long serial of meetings with Dr. Wendland, Dr.Nicovic, FIAM Italia president Mr. Micheli and also some members ofIBSSA were present at the event.

In honour of the event the mayor of the city Novi Sad invited the honorary guests and WKC officials to a high level reception.

20th October 2005