00332 - 11th IBSSA Congress 26th June - 2nd July 2006


Subject: IBSSA Congress & AAU Karate National Tournament 2006 June Miami / USA

IBSSA 11th Congress and AAU (American Athletic Union) national karate championships will be held in Miami / Florida from 26th June 2006 till 2nd July 2006.

AAU national karate championships is one of the largest martial art events of the world and is well known as one of the highest quality championships with over 6000 participants. Th ecoming championships will have a large number of foreign participation (IBSSA members are invited to take this unique opportunity to be partof such a quality event, which includes seminars with world class teachers, and opportunity to compete with world class athletes. The championship is open to children, juniors, cadets, seniors in kata, kumite and kobudo.) Detailed information and rules can be found on the AAU Website.

It was agreed that the one-week program would contain the following events:

  1. XI. Congress of IBSSA

  2. AAU karate championships

  3. Karate and other martial arts (like Aikido, Ju Jitsu, Krav-Maga and VIP-protection) clinics held by world famous masters and instructors

  4. Bodyguard World Championships

  5. Press conferences

It was also agreed during the Board Meeting that the karate championships and all clinics are organised by AAU, while IBSSA Congress and Bodyguard World Championships are the responsibility of the IBSSA leadership. The HQ hotel will be the same for both events, IBSSA Congress and IBSSA registration will be held there.

Guidelines for IBSSA members when applying for the visa:

  1. Invitation Letter (by IBSSA) to the conference giving a personal invitation tothe participants, indicating the need for their attendance at theconference, and what they are to do at the event, i.e., teach, participate in some functional way, visit, attend, etc.

  2. Proof of IBSSA membership (validated ID-card) and for how long

  3. Proof of work or if attending school in home country, to establish their bona fides

  4. Police clearance from local police (not always necessary, but in these times of heightened security, good to have it)

  5. Proof of financial ability (showing member has funds to pay for the conference in the event that IBSSA is not paying), then such proof isnecessary

  6. Meeting with the American consul to advise of the upcoming conference and facilitate issuance of visas to delegates