Report about the training seminar for Bodyguards held in Riga - Latvia between 10 - 11 August 2010

One of the Official Training Centres of IBSSA, the bodyguard school “SECURITYTRAINING.LV” conducted a training seminar on protective accompaniment of VIP–persons in Riga / Latvia between 10 – 11 August 2010.

The training participants worked off the methods of defence of the guarded person in a car and also during walking accompaniment. During the seminar a main accent was done on working off harmony of actions for the group of bodyguards.

The methods of exposure of dangers, related to the guard of VIP– persons, were also during movements.

The participants also had theoretical lectures, where they got information about the methods of protecting from the different type of attacks: measures on defence against a sniper, against attack with a gun, and protecting from a bomb.

Aim of the seminar was to teach bodyguards in order to use preventive methods of defence for the exception of fact of attack.

16th August 2010